Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
Privatdozent Dr. Bernd Speiser
B.Speiser und A.Rieker, J.Chem.Res.(S) 1977, 314-315; (M) 1977, 3601-3609; Electrochemical Oxidations. Part 1. Phenoxy Cations in the Anodic Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds.
B.Speiser und A.Rieker, Electrochim.Acta 23, 983-989 (1978); Elektroanalytische Untersuchungen - I. Die Auswirkung von Kanteneffekten auf die Zahl der Peaks in cyclischen Voltammogrammen.
B.Speiser und A.Rieker, J.Electroanal.Chem. 102, 1-20 (1979); Electroanalytical Investigations. Part II. Application of the Orthogonal Collocation Technique to the Simulation of Cyclic Voltammograms.
B.Speiser und A.Rieker, J.Electroanal.Chem. 102, 373-395 (1979); Electrochemical Oxidations. Part IV. Electrochemical Investigations into the Behaviour of 2,6-Di- tert-butyl-4-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-phenol. Part 1. Phenol and the Species Derived from it: Phenoxy Radical, Phenolate Anion and Phenoxenium Cation.
B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 110, 69-77 (1980); Electroanalytical Investigations. Part III. Optimization of the Dimensionless Parameter ß in Orthogonal Collocation Simulations of Cyclic Voltammograms.
B.Speiser und A.Rieker, J.Electroanal.Chem. 110, 231-246 (1980); Electrochemical Oxidations. Part V. Electrochemical Investigations into the Behaviour of 2,6-Di- tert-butyl-4-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-phenol. Part 2. Anodic Oxidation in the Presence of 2,6-Dimethylpyridine and the Mechanism of the Formation of the Phenoxenium Cation.
B.Speiser, Chemie in uns.Zeit 15, 21-26 (1981); Elektroanalytische Methoden. I. Grundlagen und Chronoamperometrie.
B.Speiser, Chemie in uns.Zeit 15, 62-67 (1981); Elektroanalytische Methoden. II. Cyclische Voltammetrie.
B.Speiser und S.Pons, Can.J.Chem. 60, 1352-1362 (1982); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part 1. Two-dimensional Collocation and Theory for Chronoamperometry.
B.Speiser und S.Pons, Can.J.Chem. 60, 2463-2476 (1982); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part 2. Theory for Cyclic Voltammetry.
B.Speiser, A.Rieker und S.Pons, Electrochim.Acta 27, 1171-1176 (1982); Electroanalytical Investigations. - IV. Use of Orthogonal Collocation for the Simulation of Quasireversible Electrode Processes under Potential Scan Conditions.
S.Pons, B.Speiser und J.F.McAleer, Electrochim.Acta 27, 1177-1179 (1982); Orthogonal Collocation Simulation of the Rotating Disk Electrode.
S.Pons, B.Speiser, J.F.McAleer und P.P.Schmidt, Electrochim.Acta 27, 1711-1714 (1982); Simulation of the Dropping Mercury Electrode by Orthogonal Collocation.
B.Speiser und S.Pons, Can.J.Chem. 61, 156-162 (1983); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part 3. Application to Chronoamperometry.
B.Speiser, A.Rieker und S.Pons, J.Electroanal.Chem. 147, 205-222 (1983); Electrochemistry of Anilines. Part I. Oxidation of 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-anilines to Radical Cations: General Considerations, Electroanalytical Experiments and Spectroscopy.
B.Speiser, A.Rieker und S.Pons, J.Electroanal.Chem. 159, 63-88 (1983); Electrochemistry of Anilines. Part II. Oxidation to Dications, Electrochemical and UV/VIS Spectroelectrochemical Investigation.
J.F.Cassidy, S.Pons, A.S.Hinman und B.Speiser, Can.J. Chem. 62, 716-720 (1984); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part 4. Application to Voltammetric Experiments.
B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 171, 95-109 (1984); Electroanalytical Investigations. Part V. The Simulation of Fast Chemical Reactions in Cyclic Voltammetry by a Combination of the Orthogonal Collocation Method and the Heterogeneous Equivalent Approach.
B.Speiser, Anal.Chem. 57, 1390-1397 (1985); Multiparameter Estimation: Extraction of Information from Cyclic Voltammograms.
P.Hertl, A.Rieker und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 200, 147-158 (1986); Electrochemistry of Anilines. Part III. Electrochemical Oxidation of Sterically Hindered 4-Aminobiphenyls and Correlation of Formal Potentials with Hammett Values.
P.Hertl und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 217, 225-238 (1987); Electroanalytical Investigations. Part VI. The Simulation of Fast Chemical Equilibrium Reactions in Cyclic Voltammetric Reaction-Diffusion Models with Spline Collocation.
P.Hertl und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 235, 57-70 (1987); Electroanalytical Investigations. Part VII. The Simulation of Fast Chemical Equilibrium Reactions in Cyclic Voltammetric Reaction-Diffusion Models with a Combination of the Heterogeneous Equivalent Technique and Orthogonal Collocation.
P.Urban und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 241, 17-31 (1988); Electroanalytical Investigations. Part VIII. The Use of an Expanding Simulation Space in the Simulation of Electrochemical Reaction-Diffusion Models with Orthogonal Collocation.
P.Hertl und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem. 250, 237-256 (1988); Electroanalytical Simulations. Part IX - The Simulation of a Second-Order Chemical Reaction Preceding a Reversible Electron Transfer under Cyclic Voltammetric Conditions Using Orthogonal Collocation.
B.Scharbert und B.Speiser, J.Chemomet. 3, 61-80 (1988); Chemical Information from Electroanalytical Data. Part 1. Determination of System Parameters for Quasi-Reversible Electron Transfer Reactions from Cyclic Voltammetric Test Data and Data for the Reduction of Cerium(IV)bis(octaethylporphyrinate).
A.Dettling, A.Rieker und B.Speiser, Tetrahedron Lett. 29, 4533-4534 (1988); Reversible Electrochemical Oxidation of 2,5,8,11-Tetra-tert-butyl-peri-xantheno-xanthene to its Radical Cation and Dication.
B.Speiser in G.Gauglitz (Hrsg.), Softwareentwicklung in der Chemie, Band 3, Springer, Berlin, 1989, S.321 - 332; EASIEST - ein Programmsystem zur Simulation von und Parameterbestimmung aus elektroanalytischen Experimenten.
B.Speiser und A.Rieker, Nachr.Chem.Tech.Lab. 37, 616 - 618 (1989); Energie durch elektrochemisch induzierte Kernfusion?
B.Speiser, Comput.Chem., 14, 127 - 140 (1990); EASIEST - A Program System for Electroanalytical Simulation and Parameter Estimation. Part 1. Simulation of Cyclic Voltammetric and Chronoamperometric Experiments.
B.Speiser in J.Gasteiger (Hrsg.), Software Development in Chemistry 4, Springer, Berlin, 1990, S.321 - 330; Electroanalytical Simulations. Part 10. The Simulation of Fast Second Order Reactions in Electrochemical Systems.
A.Rieker und B.Speiser, Tetrahedron Lett. 31, 5013 - 5014 (1990); Electrochemistry of Anilines. Part 5. Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization of a Persistent Biphenylyl Nitrenium Ion.
B.Speiser, Trends in Anal.Chem., 10, 9 - 11 (1991); Second-order Catalytic Electrode Reactions at Amperometric Biosensors. The Application of Polynomial and B-Spline Interpolation to the Description of Cyclic Voltammetric Features.
B.Speiser, Anal.Chim.Acta, 243, 301 - 310 (1991); Electroanalytical Simulations. Part 11. Orthogonal Collocation Simulation of Fast Second-order Chemical Reactions Coupled to an Electron Transfer with a Heterogeneous Equivalent Formulation.
B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem., 301, 15 - 35 (1991); Chemical Information from Electroanalytical Data. Part 2. Determination of Rate and Equilibrium Constants of a Chemical Reaction Preceding a Reversible Electron Transfer from Cyclic Voltammetric Data; Erratum: J.Electroanal.Chem. 306, 313 (1991).
P.Hertl, A.Rieker und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal. Chem., 301, 37 - 52 (1991); Electrochemistry of Anilines. Part 4. Determination of Rate and Equilibrium Constants for the Protonation of 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-(4'-R-phenyl)-anilines in Acetonitrile from Cyclic Voltammetric Data. Erratum: J.Electroanal.Chem. 306, 313 (1991).
B.Speiser, A.Leverenz und M.Hanack, Synth.Met., 41-43 2979-2982 (1991); The Mechanism of Na[PcCo(CN)2] Electrocrystallization - Analysis of Adsorption Phenomena by a Comparison of Simulated and Experimental Cyclic Voltammograms.
A.Nishinaga, K.Tajima, B.Speiser, E.Eichhorn, A. Rieker, H.Ohya-Nishiguchi und K.Ishizu, Chem.Lett. 1991, 1403-1406; Substituent Effects on the Formal Potential of the Co(II)/Co(III) Redox Couple for Co(salen) Derivatives.
B.Speiser and A.Rieker, J.Org.Chem., 56, 4664-4671 (1991); Electrochemistry of Anilines. Part 6. Reactions of Electrogenerated Biphenylyl Nitrenium Ions.
A.Rieker, B.Speiser, K.-M.Mangold und M.Hanack, Z. Naturforsch., 46b, 1125-1126 (1991); Potential Error Sources in Combined Electrochemistry/Neutron Detection Experiments.
U.Löffler, B.Speiser und W.Göpel, Electroanalysis, 3, 917-923 (1991); The Determination of Electron Transfer Parameters for Monosubstituted Ferrocenes Suitable as Mediators in Amperometric Biosensors.
A.Leverenz und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem., 318, 69-89 (1991); Electroanalytical Simulations. Part 13. The Simulation of Adsorption Processes at an Electrode by Orthogonal Collocation Algorithms.
E.Eichhorn, A.Rieker und B.Speiser, Anal.Chim.Acta, 256, 243-249 (1992); Numerical Method to Correct iR Drop Errors in Cyclic Voltammetric Potential Data for (Quasi)Reversible Electrode Processes.
B.Gollas und B.Speiser, Angew.Chem., 104, 336-338 (1992); Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl., 31, 332-334 (1992); Elektrochemie von Triazenen. Teil 1. Elektrochemische Oxidation von 1- p-Dimethylaminophenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazen - Cyclovoltammetrischer Nachweis eines Triazen-Radikalkations und -Dikations.
A. Rieker, P. Hertl und B. Speiser, in R. Louw und P. Mulder (Hrsg.), Proc. Sixth Int. Symp. Org. Free Rad., Noordwijkerhout, Niederlande, 1992, S. 256-259 (ISBN: 90-9004445-0); Persistent Radicals Derived from Primary Anilines.
A.Leverenz, B.Speiser und M.Hanack, J.Electroanal. Chem., 323, 275-287 (1992); Cyclic Voltammetry of Na[PcCo(CN)2] - Analysis of Adsorption Phenomena During Electrooxidation.
A.Rieker, B.Speiser und H.Straub, DECHEMA-Monographien, Band 125, 777-782 (1992); Reaktionen anodisch erzeugter Phenoxeniumionen mit Nucleophilen.
A.Nishinaga, S.Förster, A.Rieker, E.Eichhorn und B.Speiser, Tetrahedron Lett. 33, 4425-4428 (1992); Co(salen) Catalyzed Oxidation of 2,4,6-Trisubstituted Anilines with t-butyl Hydroperoxide.
B.Speiser und H.Stahl, Tetrahedron Lett. 33, 4429-4432 (1992); Electrochemistry of Triazenes. Part 2. Formation of the 2,7-Dimethoxy-5,10-dimethyl-5,10-dihydrophenazine Radical Cation during Oxidation of 1,3-Diaryl-3-methyltriazenes.
E.Eichhorn, A.Rieker und B.Speiser, Angew.Chem., 104, 1246-1248 (1992); Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., 31, 1215-1217 (1992); Elektrochemie von Oxygenierungskatalysatoren. Teil 1. Die elektrochemische Oxidation von N,N'-Bis(salicyliden)ethylendiiminato-cobalt(II) in Lösungsmittelgemischen - Ein Beispiel für ein Leiterschema mit gekoppelten Elektronentransfer- und Lösungsmittelaustauschreaktionen.
E.Eichhorn, A.Rieker, B.Speiser, J.Sieglen und J.Strähle, Z.Naturforsch., 48b, 418-424 (1993); Electrochemistry of Oxygenation Catalysts. Part 2. Improved Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Electrochemical Properties of N,N'-Bis(salicyliden)-ethylenediaminato Cobalt(III) Chloride.
C.Schulz und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem., 354, 255-271 (1993); Electroanalytical Simulations. Part 14. Simulation of Frumkin-Type Adsorption Processes by Orthogonal Collocation under Cyclic Voltammetric Conditions.
B. Speiser, Acta Chem. Scand., 47, 1238-1240 (1993); Electrochemical Simulations. Part 15. Advanced Orthogonal Collocation Techniques in Problem Situations of the ECcat Mechanism. A Comment on the Paper "Efficiency of Electrochemical Kinetic Simulations by Orthogonal Collocation and Finite Difference Methods. A Comparison"' by L.K. Bieniasz and D. Britz.
T. Vering, W. Schuhmann, D. Seiwald, H.-L. Schmidt, B. Speiser und L. Ye, J.Electroanal.Chem., 364, 277-279 (1994); A New Multipuls-Method for Potentiometric Measurements of Enzymatic Redox Reactions.
E.Eichhorn und B.Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem., 365, 207-212 (1994); Electrochemistry of Oxygenation Catalysts. Part 4. Solvent Composition Dependent Isopotential Points in Cyclic Voltammograms of Co(salen)+.
B.Gollas, B.Krauss, B.Speiser und H.Stahl, Curr.Sep., 13, 42-44 (1994); Design of a Single-Unit Haber-Luggin Capillary/Dual Reference-Electrode System.
L. Dunsch, B. Gollas, A. Neudeck, A. Petr, B. Speiser und H. Stahl, Chem. Ber., 127, 2423-2429 (1994); Electrochemistry of Triazenes. Part 3. One-Electron Oxidation of Aryltriazenes to Radical Cations.
E. Eichhorn, A. Rieker, B. Speiser und H. Stahl, in T. Shono (Hrsg.), Novel Trends in Electroorganic Synthesis, Proc.2nd Intl. Symp. on Electroorg. Synth., Kodansha, Tokyo, 1994 (Publ. 1995), S. 173-174 (ISBN: 4-06-207503-2); Electrochemical Investigation of Oxygenation Catalysts.
B.Speiser und H. Stahl, Angew. Chem., 107, 1222-1224 (1995); Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., 34, 1086-1089 (1995); Elektrochemie von Oxygenierungskatalysatoren. 5. Mitteilung. Komplexierung von [N,N'-Bis(salicyliden)ethylendiiminato]-cobalt(III) durch Aniline in Dimethylformamid.
X. Wei und B. Speiser, Electrochim. Acta, 40, 2477-2482 (1995); Electrochemistry of Triazenes. Part 4. Reaction of Diazonium Ions Generated Electrochemically from 1-Aryl-3,3-dimethyltriazenes in Acetonitrile.
B. Gollas, B. Speiser, J. Sieglen und J. Strähle, Organometallics, 15, 260-271 (1996); Electrochemistry of Ruthenium Metallocenes. 1. Synthesis, NMR, and Anodic Electrochemical Behavior of Vinyl-Substituted Ruthenium Cyclophane Complexes.
G.Frenking, A.Rieker, J.Salbeck und B.Speiser, Z. Naturforsch., 51b, 377-380 (1996); 2,5,8,11-Tetra- tert-butyl- peri-xanthenoxanthene and its Dication - Spectroelectrochemistry and Model Calculations on a Dioxa-22-pi-system.
B. Gollas, B. Speiser, H. Stahl, J. Sieglen und J. Strähle, Z. Naturforsch., 51b, 388-398 (1996); Electrochemistry of Oxygenation Catalysts. Part 6. Electrosynthesis, Structure, Analytical, and Electrochemical Properties of [CoIII(salen)(DMF)2]+ X- Salts (X = PF6, ClO4).
B.Speiser, Angew.Chem., 105, 1273-1274 (1993); Electron and Proton Transfer in Chemistry and Biology, herausgegeben von A.Müller, H.Ratajczak, W.Junge und E.Diemann.
B. Speiser, J.Electroanal.Chem., 374, 280-282 (1994); Cyclic Voltammetry. Simulation and Analysis of Reaction Mechanisms, von D.K. Gosser Jr.
B. Speiser, Angew. Chem., 108, 853-854 (1996); Electrochromism. Fundamentals and Applications, von P.M.S. Monk, R.J. Mortimer und D.R. Rosseinsky.
Publikationen in Tagungsbänden ohne ISBN
B.Speiser, Beiträge zur Klausurtagung der Materialforschungsprojekte MFI 4 und 5 der Universitäten Tübingen und Stuttgart, Tübingen, 1990; Elektroanalytische Simulationen. 12. Theoretische Analyse von katalytischen Elektrodenreaktionen an amperometrischen Biosensoren.
A. Rieker, J. Bracht, P. Hertl und B. Speiser, Abstracts of the 23 rd Symposium on Oxidation Processes (Ed.: The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry und The Chemical Society of Japan), 1990, S. 227-232; Some Aspects of the Anodic Oxidation of Sterically Hindered Anilines and Phenols.
E. Eichhorn, A. Rieker, B. Speiser und H. Stahl, Proc. 67th Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan, 1994, S. 184-185; Schiff-Base Co-Complexes. Electron-Transfer and Ligand-Exchange.
69. B.Speiser in A.J.Bard und I. Rubinstein (Hrsg.), Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 19, Simulation of Electroanalytical Experiments by Numerical Methods-Recent Advances, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1996, S. 1-108.
in Chem. Abs. referierte "`Reports"'
B .Speiser und S.Pons, Report TR-8, Order-No.AD-A118708; Chem.Abs. 98, 62065g (1983); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part 1. Two-dimensional Collocation and Theory for Chronoamperometry.
B.Speiser und S.Pons, Report TR-9, Order-No.AD-A118709; Chem.Abs. 98, 62063e (1983); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part II. The Theory for Cyclic Voltammetry by Collocation.
B.Speiser, A.Rieker und S.Pons, Report, TR-11, Order-No.AD-118711; Chem.Abs. 98, 62062d (1983); Electroanalytical Investigations. - IV. Use of Orthogonal Collocation for the Simulation of Quasireversible Electrode Processes under Potential Scan Conditions.
S.Pons, B.Speiser und J.F.McAleer, Report TR-12, Order-No.AD-A118712; Chem.Abs. 98, 61975s (1983); Orthogonal Collocation Simulation of the Rotating Disk Electrode.
B.Speiser und S.Pons, Report TR-14, Order-No. AD-A118710; Chem.Abs. 98, 62064f (1983); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part III. Application to Chronoamperometric Experiments.
J.F.Cassidy, S.Pons, A.S.Hinman und B.Speiser, Report TR-23, Order-No.AD-A136988; Chem.Abs. 101, 13949v (1984); Simulation of Edge Effects in Electroanalytical Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation. Part 4. Application to Voltammetric Experiments.
zur Veröffentlichung angenommene Publikationen
B.Speiser, Elektroanalytische Methoden, in K.E.Geckeler und H.Eckstein (Hrsg.), Biochemische Labormethoden, Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
B. Speiser, J. Electroanal. Chem., zur Veröffentlichung angenommen; Electroanalytical Simulations. Part 16. Simulation of Controlled Current Bulk Electrolysis Experiments by Orthogonal Collocation: General Model and Simple Charge Transfer Mechanisms.
X. Wei und B. Speiser, Electrochim. Acta, zur Veröffentlichung angenommen; Ring Formation from 2-Arylazo-3-aminocrotononitriles to 1,2,3[2H]-triazole-4-carbonitriles and Pyrazoles by Anodic Oxidation.
B. Speiser, Angew. Chem., zur Veröffentlichung angenommen; Elektronentransfer und chemische Reaktion - schrittweise oder konzertiert? Zum Verständnis der S N2-Reaktion.